Next Camp Date Oct. 17-19, 2025
Royal Ambassador Camp-O-Ree
Since 1972...
Where Camping becomes an Adventure
Royal Ambassador Camp-O-Ree is a 3-Day, multi-state camping event for all
Royal Ambassador/Challenger aged boys in grades (1-12).
Member of a Southern Baptist church, but don’t have an RA/Challenger group? No worries.
Ask us how your group can attend as our guests. Contact us at rastaff@midsouthras.org to find out how.
Our objective is to provide an exciting outdoor worship experience for boys and their leaders
while focusing on the importance of Missions.
What to Expect!
Hover over cells to see, click to view

Boys will experience great friendships that will last for years!

What better way to reconnect with God's world than a good camping trip?

Camp-O-Ree offers a host of events to challenge eveyone, regardless of age.

A big part of Camp-O-Ree is it's ephasis on Teamwork.

Leaders and Dads work with boys, teaching them by learning and doing.

One of the exciting parts of Camp-O-Ree we try to challenge boys to learn God's Word!

Being in the outdoors offers opportunities for boys to learn about wildlife and the world around them.

At Camp-O-Ree, our Mission Focus time allows boys to meet Missionaries face to face, interact and learn first-hand about their work.

Trader Joe is a favorite of the camp. He demonstrates God's love through his humor and devotion to the boys

We have two exciting worship services that are both interacting and on everyone's level, regardless of age
Why we need to support GOTM
Official Camp-O-Ree Video
New Camp-O-Ree Promotional Video
“We are Ambassadors for Christ”
2nd Corinthians 5:20